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If a cardId is supplied, the modal is an edit modal, rather than a create modal. Make sure you attach the html to an element in the callback function you supplied, since this function assumes that certain elements exist in the dom after it calls the callback. */ // function getCreditCardFormHtml(cardId, callback) { // var templateUrl; // var data = {}; // var cleaveItems = { // number: null, // expiry: null, // cvc: null // }; // if (cardId) { // templateUrl = "/components/edit-credit-card"; // data.cardId = cardId; // } else { // templateUrl = "/components/create-credit-card"; // } // postURL(templateUrl, data, function(response) { // callback(response); // setupFormFormatting(); // setupFormSubmissionListeners(); // }); // function setupFormSubmissionListeners() { // $('#save_credit_card').on('click', function (e) { // console.log('clicking save credit card button'); // if (!validateForm()) { // return; // } // var $saveCreditCardButton = $(this); // $("#loading").show(); // submitForm({ // success: function(cardData) { // $("#loading").hide(); // showInvalid($('input[name="card-number"]')); 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// if (cleaveItems ['cvc']) { // cvc = cleaveItems ['cvc'].getRawValue(); // } // var cardId = null; // var $idInput = $('input[name="card-id"]'); // if ($idInput.length) { // cardId = $idInput.val(); // } // var data = { // cardId: cardId, // number: number, // exp_month: month, // exp_year: year, // cvc: cvc, // name: $('input[name="card-billing-name"]').val(), // address: $('input[name="card-billing-address"]').val(), // city: $('input[name="card-billing-city"]').val(), // country: $('input[name="card-billing-country"]').val(), // state: $('input[name="card-billing-state"]').val(), // zip: $('input[name="card-billing-zip"]').val(), // } // postURL('/process/marketplace/editCreditCard', data, function (response) { // var data = null; // try { // data = JSON.parse(response); // } catch (e) { // callbacks.error({ // error: true, // response: response, // }); // return; // } // if (!data || data ['error']) { // callbacks.error(data); // } else { // callbacks.success(data); // } // }); // } // function validateForm() { // var isValid = true; // if (cleaveItems ['number']) { // var number = cleaveItems ['number'].getRawValue(); // if (!number || number.length == 0) { // showInvalid($('input[name="card-number"]')); // isValid = false; // } // } // if (cleaveItems ['expiry']) { // var expiry = cleaveItems ['expiry'].getRawValue(); // if (!expiry || expiry.length != 4) { // showInvalid($('input[name="card-expiry"]')); // isValid = false; // } // } // if (cleaveItems ['cvc']) { // var cvc = cleaveItems ['cvc'].getRawValue(); // if (!cvc || cvc.length == 0) { // showInvalid($('input[name="card-cvc"]')); // isValid = false; // } // } // var $requiredInputs = $('#credit-card-form input.required'); // $requiredInputs.each(function () { // var $input = $(this); // if (!$input.val()) { // isValid = false; // showInvalid($input); // } // }); // return isValid; // } // function showInvalid($input) { // $input.parents('.form-group').addClass('has-danger'); // } // function showValid($input) { // $input.parents('.form-group').removeClass('has-danger'); // } // function setupFormFormatting() { // if ($('input[name="card-number"]:not(:disabled)').length) { // cleaveItems ['number'] = new Cleave('input[name="card-number"]:not(:disabled)', { // creditCard: true, // onCreditCardTypeChanged: function (type) { // console.log(type) // // update UI ... // } // }); // } // if ($('input[name="card-expiry"]:not(:disabled)').length) { // cleaveItems ['expiry'] = new Cleave('input[name="card-expiry"]:not(:disabled)', { // date: true, // delimiter: '/', // datePattern: ['m', 'y'] // }); // } // if ($('input[name="card-cvc"]:not(:disabled)').length) { // cleaveItems ['cvc'] = new Cleave('input[name="card-cvc"]:not(:disabled)', { // blocks: [3], // numericOnly: true // }); // } // } // } /* WRAP EVERYTHING IN AN ANONYMOUS FUNCTION TO PREVENT FUNCTION NAMING CLASHES */ (function () { /* GLOBAL FUNCTIONS THAT APPLY TO ALL PAGES */ $(document).ready(function () { function initGlobalDocumentListeners() { $(document).on('click', '.show-cpp-button', function (event) { var activity = 'Miscellaneous Click'; 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notify(pullLabel("alert", "notify_generic_error"), "danger"); } else { element.prop("disabled", false); var response = JSON.parse(response); data.sf = response.Id; //alert(data.sf); $("#loading").show(); //changePath("/prime//" + data.sf + "/e"); prime_openPurchaseRecord(data.sf); } }); } function prime_openPurchaseRecord(sfId) { window.location.hash = sfId; var data = { sf: sfId }; $("#loading").show(); postURL("/components/purchase", data, function (response) { $("#loading").hide(); if (response == '') { notify("Oops. There was an error on our end. Please contact us to resolve this issue.", "danger"); return; } $("#modal div.modal-content").html(response); var html = $("#banner h1").html(); $("#purchase_title").html(html); $('#modal').on('', function (e) { $('#modal').off(''); $("#loading").hide(); }); $('#modal').on('', function (e) { history.replaceState({}, document.title, window.location.pathname); $('#modal').off(''); //changePath("/paid-services"); }); $("#modal").modal({ backdrop: "static", keyboard: false }); var data = {}; setCreditCardSelectHtml(); $("#modal_bg").stop().fadeIn("fast"); $("#modal>div.modal-dialog").removeClass("modal-lg"); //$('#purchase-payment-method').selectpicker(); }); } function setCreditCardSelectHtml() { postURL("/components/stripe/list_cc", null, function (response) { $("#purchase-payment-method").html(response); $("#purchase-payment-method").prop("disabled", false); checkPurchaseButton(); }); } function checkPurchaseButton(){ var card = $("#purchase-payment-method").val(); var province = $("#purchase-province").val(); 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To link your account with your prescription information, visit your participating pharmacy and your pharmacist will connect the accounts.

Click here for a list of participating pharmacies.

Alliance Pharmacy is one of the participating pharmacies. They deliver your medications to your house for free! Click here to learn more about Alliance Pharmacy."); $("#edit_success").slideDown("fast", function(){ $("button.close").show(); /* setTimeout(function(){ $("#modal").modal("hide"); $("#modal_bg").stop().fadeOut("fast"); }, 3000); */ }); //notify("Thanks for joining Your Health Report from HealthQR. To finish your registration, you need to confirm your email within the next 48 hours. Please check your email ("+$("#create_healthqr_account").attr("username")+") and confirm by clicking the link. ", "success"); //$("h4.modal-title").text("Check: " + $("#create_healthqr_account").attr("username")); }); /* $.ajax({ url: "", type: "POST", data: data, success: function(data){ } })*/ } }); // $(document).on('click', '.open-healthqr-button', function (e) { // var data = {}; // postURL("/components/healthqr/form", data, function(response){ // $('#modal').on('', function (e) { // $('#modal').off(''); // var section = $("body").attr("section"); // loadList(section); // }); // $('#modal').on('', function (e) { // $('#modal').off(''); // $("#healthqr_submit").click(); // }); // $("#modal>div.modal-dialog").removeClass("modal-lg"); // $("#modal div.modal-content").html(response); // $("#modal_bg").stop().fadeIn("fast"); // $("#modal").modal({ // backdrop: "static", // keyboard: false // }); // }); // }); // $(document).on('click', '#healthqr_submit', function (e) { $(document).on('click', '.open-healthqr-button', function (e) { var data = {}; $("#loading").show(); postURL("/process/healthqr/fetch", data, function(response){ console.log(response); try { response = JSON.parse(response); } catch (e) { console.error(e); response = { error: true, message: 'Could not parse response' } } if (response.error) { notify(pullLabel("alert", "healthQR_pull_error"), "danger"); $("#loading").hide(); return; } $("#healthqr_log").val(response); $("#loading").hide(); $("#modal>div.modal-dialog").removeClass("modal-lg"); $("#modal div.modal-content").html(response.modalSuccessHtml); $("#modal_bg").stop().fadeIn("fast"); $("#modal").modal({ backdrop: "static", keyboard: false }); $("div.modal-footer, #edit_healthqr_form").slideUp("fast"); $("button.close").hide(); $("#edit_success").slideDown("fast", function(){ setTimeout(function(){ $("#modal").modal("hide"); $("#modal_bg").stop().fadeOut("fast"); }, 3000); }); }); }); var chat_socket; $(document).on('click', '#open_chat', function (e) { var data = {}; $("#loading").show(); postURL("/components/chat/index", data, function(response){ $("#loading").hide(); $("#modal>div.modal-dialog").removeClass("modal-lg"); $("#modal div.modal-content").html(response); $("#modal_bg").stop().fadeIn("fast"); $("#modal").modal({ backdrop: "static", keyboard: false }); $('#modal').on('', function (e) { chat_socket = io.connect('', {reconnect: true, secure: true}); chat_socket.on('chat message', function(msg){ $('#chat_list').append($('
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See below error for details."); console.error(e); } } var remindersCount = $(this).attr("reminders-count"); var sfId = obj.sf; obj["Reminders"] = { count: remindersCount, sfId: sfId }; var titleLabel = "Title"; if ($(this).find("h5").attr("label") != "") { titleLabel = $(this).find("h5").attr("label"); } obj[titleLabel] = $(this).find("h5").text().trim(); var dateLabel = "Date"; if ($(this).find("span:not(.fa-stack)").attr("label") != undefined && $(this).find("span:not(.fa-stack)").attr("label") != "") { dateLabel = $(this).find("span:not(.fa-stack)").attr("label"); } if ($(this).find("span:not(.fa-stack)").length > 0) { obj[dateLabel] = $(this).find("span:not(.fa-stack)").text().trim(); } var captionLabel = "Caption"; if ($(this).find("h6").attr("label") != undefined && $(this).find("h6").attr("label") != "") { captionLabel = $(this).find("h6").attr("label"); } if ($(this).find("h6").length > 0) { obj[captionLabel] = $(this).find("h6").text().trim(); } $(this).attr("sort-"+titleLabel.toString().hexEncode(), obj[titleLabel]); $(this).attr("sort-"+dateLabel.toString().hexEncode(), obj[dateLabel]); $(this).attr("sort-"+captionLabel.toString().hexEncode(), obj[captionLabel]); var elem = $(this); $(this).find(".col.sub").each(function(){ var key = $(this).find("dd:first").text().trim(); var value = $(this).find("dd:last").text().trim(); obj[key] = value; elem.attr("sort-"+key.hexEncode(), value); }); list.push(obj); }); $.each(list[0], function(i,o){ if (i == "head" || i == "sub" || i == "date") { i = ""; } if (i == "Check In") { table.find("thead tr").append(""); } else if (i == "Reminders") { table.find("thead tr").append(""); } else if (i != "sf") { table.find("thead tr").append(""+i+""); } }); table.find("thead tr").append(""); $.each(list, function(i,item){ table.find("tbody").append(""); $.each(item, function(i,o){ if (i == "Check In") { var buttonClasses = o.requireCheckin ? 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    \ \
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return subActivity; } else { return null; } } function createPortalActivityLog(activity, subActivity) { var data = {}; data.activity = activity; data.subActivity = subActivity; postURL("/process/portal_activity_log", data, function(response){ // console.log(response); }); // gtag('event', 'View', { // is the string that will appear as the event action in Google Analytics Event reports. 'event_category': activity, // is the string that will appear as the event category. 'event_label': subActivity //